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Generator Messages

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Missing General Navigation Information


WARNING: Code generation for provided transaction screens will be incomplete as there is missing navigation information in your recordings in-between the provided screens


This is a general failure in your existing recordings.  Your defined tasks have screens that have not been associated through the recordings.


Immediately following this message will be one or more "No Path Found" messages detailing the screens missing navigation information.


Please ensure that if you have more than one screen in your web service, that there has been a recording made that includes navigation between these screens.  The navigation need not be "adjacent" and can include one or more screens in-between those in your web service, but the navigation needs to be recorded to continue.


No Path Found


WARNING: no path found between [FromScreenName] and [ToScreenName]


This message details where there is missing navigation between two screens within your Web Service.  One or more of these messages follows the Missing General Navigation Information message, described above.  Please see the above description for resolving this message.


Missing Field Navigation Information


WARNING: In Screen [ScreenName[, a ScreenChange is missing field navigation information.  FieldList=[Field1, Field2...]


This happens when you have a recording that includes data-entry prior to an Enter or other key (like F6), and none of the fields in the screen have had the NavigationUse property set to literal or keyVariable.  If none of the data entry fields have any importance in navigation, you can ignore this message.  If, however, you have a menu screen with an option field, it should be set as a literal while if you have a customer inquiry screen that uses a customer number as a key to the next screen, you should set that customer number NavigationUse=keyVariable.


Assumed Exception Screen


INFO: In Navigation between screen [FromScreen] and screen [ToScreen], Alternate Screen [AlternateScreenForSameEnterKey] has no direct navigation to [ToScreen].  [AlternateScreenForSameEnterKey] will be treated as an Exception Screen.


When analyzing all navigation within the set of recordings connected to the active project, the code generation framework identifies alternate screens for a particular action.  A typical example is a screen that says "CUSTOMER NOT FOUND" and assumes that the Enter key will be pressed to return to the prior screen.  In a Web Service transaction trying to get to a Customer Details screen, this is an Exception Screen since there is no way to continue with the current request.


If you have such a screen displayed in a recording and you have not set its NavigationType=Exception, you will see this message.  If you see this message for a screen that is not an exception, but more like an informational screen, you may need to record a successful transition from the keyscreen->informational->results (details) screen.  If such a navigation exists in any recordings, the generation framework should pick it up, but if by any chance you started a recording and stopped when the informational screen appeared, the framework has no way to know that the enter key will get from the informational screen to the results screen.


No Field Defined


INFO: in Navigation between Screen [FromScreen] and Screen [ToScreen], at Row [Row], Column [Column] there is no Field defined.  A hardcoded SetText of '[data]' will be generated...


When analyzing all navigation within the set of recordings connected to the active project, the code generation framework identifies all  field updates on a screen for a particular action.  When data is entered prior to an enter/function key, any data not mapped to a field is assumed to be a literal involved in navigation.  If, however, your recording has captured data entry that has no field mapped, like an address change for a customer, you will want to map the subject field (and set its NavigationUse=ignore), or each inquiry using your generated web service will change the address to the literal assumed to be part of navigation!