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Inventu Viewer+ Web Service Generator

 State Description

A screen with a "drill down" style multi-row FieldMap list (one that is used to navigate to other screens by selecting a row) has had the selection made, and the appropriate AID/Enter key has been entered.

 Action Performed

The active screen is compared with a list of valid screens.  The list of valid screens depends on the  state that preceded this state.  See Next State Handlers section for more information.

 Objects and Properties

TaskScreen:TaskIOType=Auto Select or TaskScreen qualifies for the doScreenIDSelect state based on the objects and properties identified for that state.

 Next State Handler(s)

IfIconPredecessor state = doScreenIDAutoSelect

IfIconActive Screen is one of TaskScreen:EnterOKScreens or next screen in Task

Next state is first state (that is not doScreenIDNav) for the active OK Screen


Next state is doScreenIDExcept

ElseIcon(follows doScreenIDSelect)

IfIconActive Screen is either next screen in Task --OR-- another, lower TaskScreen that shares the same Enter key in navigation from the state screen (an alternate)

Next state is first state (that is not doScreenIDNav) for the active Screen


Next state is doScreenIDExcept