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Inventu Viewer+ Web Service Generator

 State Description

The active screen has a drill-down multi-row FieldMap and is to be auto-selected based on criteria set using the TaskScreen properties.


Note: as with all state handlers, each aspect of the Auto-Select logic can be easily overridden by a .NET developer after generation.  For example, it is easy to implement custom selection logic with only a few lines of code in the generated module.

 Action Performed

Rows are read from the screen until the match criteria for the row is met, and the row is then selected.  The screen is paged forward if the matching row is not on the first screen up until FieldMap:ScreenReadMax screens have been processed.


The row is selected based on TaskScreen:RowMatchType (see Objects and Properties for details)


Once the matching row is found, the matching row is selected based on FieldMap:CursorDrillDown=true (cursor is used) or if there is a Field in the FieldMap with Field:ColumnKeyType=action, and action is entered into that Field, normally named Action, Action1 or Action2.  If the Action Field:FixedAction property has a value, that text is used to select the row, otherwise a "1" is used.


Once the row is selected, the screen is entered using the AID/Enter key identified in screen recordings to move from the current screen to the next TaskScreen or first screen in the TaskScreen:EntryOKScreens list.

 Objects and Properties

TaskScreen:TaskIOType=Auto Select


TaskScreen's ScreenDef object must have a FieldMap with FieldMap:Multirow="yes"


There are currently three types of row matches supported, based on the values for TaskScreen:RowMatchType:

With Screen Field: TaskScreen:RowMatchField compared with TaskScreen:ScreenMatchField


With Parameter:TaskScreen:RowMatchField compared with a web service parameter with a name based on TaskScreen:SelectionParameterName


With Literal:TaskScreen:RowMatchField compared with a string literal defined with TaskScreen:SelectionLiteral

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