State Description
Following screen entry during a doScreenIDEnter or doScreenIDSelect/doScreenIDAutoSelect state an unexpected screen is active, or TaskScreen:EntryOKMessages is not null and none of the defined messages were found.
Action Performed
For a data-entry TaskScreen, set the ActiveState in the web service task object to TaskState.DataEntryWarning if still on the same screen (no advance to a different screen), or TaskState.DataEntryError if a different screen is displayed.
If the predecessor state was doScreenIDSelect or doScreenIDAutoSelect, a message is added to the Info.Messages property indicating that the select failed
Objects and Properties
Generated when: TaskScreen:TaskIOType=Add New Data, Edit Existing Data or Auto Select.
Activated when none of the TaskScreen:EnterOKScreens became active after the doScreenIDEnter (or doScreenIDSelect) state, or when TaskScreen:EntryOKMessages is not null and none of the defined messages were found.
Next State Handler(s)
Follows Data Entry TaskScreen
Next state is doReturn
(Selection predecessor state)
Next state is doNavigationError