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Inventu Viewer+ Web Service Generator

 State Description

The active screen is a "Self-Contained Search" screen with the result list on the same screen.  The search arguments need to be entered into the screen fields and the screen entered to refresh the list.  This will be the first state following a possible doScreenIDNav for any screen with the Self-Contained Search navigationType.

 Action Performed

Fields with navigationType=keyVariable are copied from the active context to the screen.  The known AID/Enter key to refresh the list (from active recordings) is then entered to update the active screen.

 Objects and Properties

ScreenDef:NavigationType or TaskScreen:OverrideNavigationType=Self Contained Search

 Next State Handler(s)

IfIconActive screen is the state screen following the entry action

Next state is the next state after doScreenIDSelfEnter for the active OK Screen


Next state is doNavigationError