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Inventu Viewer Enhanced ASP.NET UI Application Generator

Navigation: Modeling your Application in the Tasks Treeview

Modeling a Workflow Container Page

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As distributed, the Flynet Enhanced UI framework supports a simple Wizard-like interface representing tasks or Workflows spanning multiple screens.


A Workflow Container page acts as the manager of one or more child Workflow pages; aside from naming the Workflow Container, there isn't much more you do with it specifically.


Design Guide Reference: Workflow Web Pages (includes controlling properties)

UIWorkflowPage Property References: Core Properties / UIExtension Properties


 Valid Parent Entity Nodes


 Valid Child Entity Nodes        


Modeling Guide

Design Guide


Adding a WorkflowPage

Workflow Web Pages


Example: Adding a Workflow to a Menu Item with WorkflowPages

First, we add a new Workflow Container Page (UIWorkflow) entity to an existing Menu Item which has no children, and rename to My Workflow:



This example is continued in the next section, Adding a WorkflowPage