Flynet Simulated Host

Action Tags

Action Tags

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Action Tags

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Action tags perform a change to the screen, other programming elements or the logic flow.


The most important action tag is the ScreenSwitch Tag, which changes the screen to be displayed next to the user.


A note on action tags and their common XML "trait": they all are single tags that never contain any contents, so you should always include the closing / in the, <CloseClient/>...action tags have no children text or tags.


Tags in This Section


CloseClient Tag        End the host session and close the TN socket
LoadMap Tag        Load a new map to the active screen buffer        
PutScreen Tag        Put text to the active screen buffer
ReceiveInput Tag        After performing a SendScreen, process the input
RestoreScreen Tag        Restore a screen saved with the SaveScreen Tag
SaveScreen Tag        Save active screen buffer
ScreenSwitch Tag        Switch the next screen to be displayed
SendScreen Tag        Send the active screen buffer out on the TN session
SetCursor Tag        Set the cursor position