Flynet Simulated Host

SendScreen Tag

SendScreen Tag

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SendScreen Tag

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Send the active screen buffer out on the TN session


The SendScreen tag will send the active buffer to the terminal emulator using the active protocol, as a series of commands (same commands as used by a real host transaction monitor such as CICS).


Note that you can perform more than one SendScreen in a series, with LoadMap or PutScreen tags used to alter the screen being sent...this can be useful when reproducing specific host sequences that stress-test application integration software.





Default / Required




If yes, the target terminal will receive a "clearscreen" command at the beginning of the write.



If yes, there is a keyboard unlock sent as part of the screen write.  When simulating multiple screen writes, this value should be no for all but the last screen, unless the host application "unfairly" unlocks early, also!


SendScreen has no children.



<LoadMap name="first"/>

<SendScreen clear="yes" unlock="no"/>

<LoadMap name="second"/>

<SendScreen clear="no" unlock="yes"/>