Flynet Simulated Host

ScreenSwitch Tag

ScreenSwitch Tag

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ScreenSwitch Tag

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Switch the next screen to be displayed


The ScreenSwitch tag is the principal means whereby the Simulated Host application simulates the transition from one application screen to another (like from the logon screen to the main menu).


When the ScreenSwitch tag executes, the following occurs:


1.The current script stops at the ScreenSwitch line
2.If the target screen has an onLoad script block defined, that script block is executed, which presumably will load the default map (or an alternate map) for the target screen.
3.The new screen is sent (either in a SendScreen contained in the onLoad block or by an automatically generated onLoad SendScreen).
4.The target screen's onInput script block is executed, if defined.





Default / Required




Name of the screen to switch to.  This attribute is required, and if omitted, or if a name is used that is not contained in the current script, a compile error will occur.


SaveScreen has no children.



<IfAid key="pf1">

  <ScreenSwitch screen="LogonHelp"/>
