Flynet Viewer - Screen Definitions Reference

Schema Layout

Schema Layout

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Schema Layout

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A sample definitions file schema follows.  Note that the Welcome screen is at the top level, while the Signon.OK and Signon.Error screens are contained in the Signon screen group.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<FlyConnector application="SimHost" version="1.0" debug="no" specialAsBlanks="yes">

 <Screen name="Welcome">

         <Comment>The first screen displayed</Comment>

         <Recognize row="2" column="31" text="USER PROFILE"/>

         <Reference recFile="SimHost.rec" timeStamp="11:10:46.358"/>

         <FieldMap name="default">

                 <Field name="UserProfile" row="22" column="23" length="8"/>



 <ScreenGroup name="Signon">

         <Recognize row="1" column="25" text="Signon"/>

         <FieldMap name="default">

                 <Field name="Userid" row="10" column="26" length="8"/>

                 <Field name="Password" row="11" column="26" length="8"/>

                 <Field name="Message" row="23" column="2" length="66"/>


         <Screen name="OK">

                 <Recognize row="23" column="2" text="       "/>


         <Screen name="Error">

                 <Recognize row="23" column="2" text="DFHCE3540 INVALID"/>


