Flynet Viewer - Screen Definitions Reference

ScreenGroup Tag

ScreenGroup Tag

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ScreenGroup Tag

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Parents:        FlyConnector, ScreenGroup

Children:        ScreenGroup, Recognize, Screen, FieldMap, Comment



The ScreenGroup tag provides organization of screen definitions to avoid redundant Recognize tags, as well as make the chore of defining screen recognition easier.  Note that when a FieldMap is defined in a ScreenGroup, all child Screen definitions share access to that FieldMap, once again avoiding redundancy in many situations.


The ScreenGroup tag also can provide performance benefits, when groups of screens can be organized inside a single ScreenGroup, as this makes the runtime act of screen recognition more efficient by reducing the number of top-level comparisons needed to identify the active screen.


Note that a screen reference in applications will be fully qualified using any parent ScreenGroup names, except when the parent ScreenGroup tag is defined as a virtual tag (virtual="yes" as attribute).  Virtual ScreenGroup definitions are provided to enable performance tuning (grouping like screens) without impacting existing applications by not affecting the qualified screen name.









Name of the ScreenGroup.  If virtual="yes" is defined, it is ignored.  If not defined, the ScreenGroup will have a name of !missing!




When set to "yes" the ScreenGroup name will not be used in identification of contained (children) screens.