Flynet Viewer - Screen Definitions Reference

Screen Tag

Screen Tag

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Screen Tag

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Parents:        FlyConnector, ScreenGroup

Children:        Recognize, FieldMap, Comment, Reference

Affects:        screenDef, waitForScreen, getScreenName, getScreenDef



The Screen tag defines an individual screen and is the endpoint of recognition activity at runtime.  A Screen tag can exist at the "top level" in which case its name will be, simply, the value of the name attribute.  When contained in ScreenGroup tags that are not defined as virtual tags, the name of a Screen is a product of all its parent ScreenGroup tags, with a period used to separate the individual names.


For example, the following schema will recognize the defined screen as SICS.Logon.OK and SICS.Logon.Error.  Both of these screens will only be recognized if SICS is at row 1, column 2 and Logon is at row 2, column 30.


<ScreenGroup name="SICS">

 <Recognize row="1" column="2" text="SICS"/>

 <ScreenGroup name="Logon">

         <Recognize row="2" column="30" text="Logon"/>

         <Screen name="OK">

                 <Recognize row="24" column="2" text="   "/>


         <Screen name="Error">

                 <Recognize row="24" column="2" text="Error:"/>



 <!--All other SICS ScreenGroups and Screens follow-->

 <!-- ... -->










When present and not zero, the cursor must be in this column for the screen to be recognized.  When the floatingWindow attribute is true, this value is used to calculate where recognition text will appear in relation to the current cursor location.



When present and not zero, the cursor must be on this row for the screen to be recognized.   See the floatingWindow information above for how this value affects recognition for a floating window.



default: false


When set true, this is a special screen, usually also indicated as a Popup with fewer rows and columns than the standard screen.  The cursorHomeColumn and cursorHomeRow values are used to perform recognition, since the text used can be in different locations.



Name of the screen.  See description (above) for how the screen's full name is interpreted based on its positioning inside or outside of ScreenGroup tags.



default: "default": no effect on existing padding mode if not defined


"yes":  padding Mode is active

"no": suppress padding mode


When paddingMode is defined and "yes" or "no", it overrides the current paddingMode for the active HostScreen connection as well as any padding defined for the service.  Padding mode affects how entry fields are read and written, as it will remove the paddingChar when reading, and add the paddingChar to the start and end of the field when writing.



default: no effect on existing padding character


When defined, the paddingChar attribute overrides the active paddingChar when reading and writing entry fields on this screen.  To define a NULL, (0x00) use the special string \0 (a backslash followed by the digit 0).



default: "false"


Set to "true" if this screen should always be displayed in as a default screen.  In mixed enhanced/emulation environments, this will typically force the screen to be displayed as a terminal emulation screen rather than as an enhanced screen.



default: "false"


When set "true" there should be only one recognition element starting at column 1. cursorHomeRow must be set to the same row as the single recognition element.



This Screen Tag will define a screen named OrdEntry.


 <Screen name="OrdEntry" paddingMode="yes" paddingChar="-">

    <Recognize row="1" column="20" text="Order Entry"/>



When fields are read through a mapped function, leading and trailing dash characters (-) are stripped.  When fields are written, dashes will be used to pad the field (when the length of the text being written is shorter than the length of the defined field).