This setting provides for extensive rules for generating passwords that take into account rules defined for passwords both for the AS400/IBMi as well as Mainframe RACF. Note that other platforms such as Linux/MultiValue can also be easily supported with either rule sets.
When SetPasswordRules is defined, the @GenPW() function is still used in a WhenState SetField, but without parameters, as the generation will be performed based on SetPasswordRules not the @GenPW parameters.
Note that if any rules (excluding MixedCase and RestrictedChars) in the RACF table are defined, none of the AS400/IBMi rules will be processed. So, use one or the other.
The syntax for setting password rules is the same as for CSS style settings, with a simplification for boolean values.
Basically it is {RuleName}[:value]; where each setting consists of a rule name followed by an optional colon and value for non-Boolean; settings are separated by a semicolon. For boolean settings, if no value is included, it is defaulted to true.
Note that rule names are not case sensitive.
AS400/IBMi Example: pwLength:10;norepeatchars:true;digitsMin:2;alphaMin:2;specialMin:2;specialMax:2;mixedCase;noAdjDigits;
Rule definition tables are defined in three sections: