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Inventu Viewer+ Single Signon Server Extension

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Host and HostNames

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This setting determines which host or host(s) will have connection scripting activated.  As multiple hosts may have the same screens involved in signing-on, the HostNames provides the ability to list more than one host and have the following settings apply to each of the hosts in the list.


If you Inventu Viewer server has multiple host definitions, only hosts activated with this line will have SSO scripting active.


An InventuSSO.cfg file can have multiple HostName and HostNames settings.




HostName=CICS  # Following settings apply to the CICS host


HostNames=WEST400,EAST400,SA400  # Following settings apply to WEST400, EAST400 and SA400


Child Settings


The Host and HostNames settings contain the following settings associated with the Host/Hosts


MaximumLogoffScreens - If Logoff State is defined, how many screens will the script be limited to at Disconnect/Logoff time?

SetPasswordRules - Special rules for generating a password

SetPasswordSpecialChars - Characters for any rules specifying special characters

SetDeviceID - Special Template to Calculate LUName/DeviceID/Workstation ID

ScreenName - Declare a Screen that all Following Settings Apply To