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Inventu Viewer+ Single Signon Server Extension

Generate a new PW using randomization and options for special characters and characters to omit.  Note that this also will ensure that no characters match with the current HostPW variable field value.


Note: If SetPasswordRules is set for the active Host, the documentation for SetPasswordRules should be followed as the supported rules are far more involved than the simple rules described here.


The generated password will have at least one of:


Upper case alpha

Lower case alpha

Numeric digit

Special character (if list provided)




With active SetPasswordRules



No Parameters with SetPasswordRules


With No SetPasswordRules

@GenPW([length][,'special characters'][,'omit characters'])



LengthLength of the password, default is 10
'Special Characters'List of special characters to use (at least one will be included)
'Omit Characters'List of characters to omit, such as vowels AEIOU

Examples - No SetPasswordRules Defined for Host:


  SetField=NewPW,@GenPW(10,'')  # Create a 10 character password with no special characters

  SetField=NewPW,@GenPW(6,'$*@')  # Create a 6 character password with at least one $, * or @ character

  SetField=NewPW,@GenPW(12,'$%^&','AEIOUaeiou')  # Create a 12 character password with at least one special and no vowels