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Flynet Viewer Flex Web Service Generator

Following are the WARNING messages displayed during Navigation validation.  To jump to the detail topic for each message, click on the link found in each message.


WARNING: Your Application requires navigation through one or more unrecognized screens (default)...Please identify these screens in your Project Workspace...(Recording Origin=[recording name]:[timestamp])


WARNING: no path found between [InitialScreenName] and [HomeScreenName] (the Home Screen) --Code Generation has invalid navigation, please record these navigations and retry


WARNING: Code generation for the [TaskName] Task screens will be incomplete as there is missing navigation information in your recordings in-between the provided screens


WARNING: no path found between [FromScreenName] and [ToScreenName]


WARNING: In Screen [ScreenName[, a ScreenChange is missing field navigation information.  FieldList=[Field1, Field2...]


WARNING:  The screen "[ScreenName]", which is in the navigation network for the collective tasks has no known recorded navigation to the home screen.  If this screen is encountered in processing, any navigation towards the homescreen will use the default Application exit key, which may not work for this screen.


WARNING: Write of "[datawritten]" at [row],[column] is in a MultiRow Fieldmap for a Screen not identified as Drilldown navigation type at Screen [screenname]


!!Exception: FindNav--From Screen ([screenname]) not found in active nodes!