Flynet Viewer .NET Programmer's Reference



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Control live recording of a session.







 Required. HostConnection object.






During testing, the ability to activate a recording for the active session can provide a great deal of flexibility and productivity.  Many times, once testing occurs, new screens are encountered, as well as navigation twists.


Set this value to a recording name (without the .rec) to start a new recording in the active recordings folder.  This recording file will be closed and converted from a "raw" log format to the recording format once the recording name is set back to blank or null.  An important part of the conversion for "live" recordings is change detection, which is what provides in the recording a record of the changes made to a screen prior to entry.


The created recording can be imported to Mapper or Viewer Studio and incorporated into application modeling.


Note that the recording will also be closed and converted when the HostConnection.disconnect() method is called for the active session.


Remember to change the name before next running the application that includes the setting of this property to a recording name. Rerunning a test will always delete and restart a recording created by setting this property.


Default is null or empty string ("").




Flynet Viewer


See Also




Applies To: HostConnection object


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