Flynet Viewer .NET Programmer's Reference

read Property (boolean)

read Property (boolean)

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read Property (boolean)

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Return the map definition READ action attribute settings. If the action is READ or READWRITE will return TRUE.





 Required. MapField object.






While the mappedSet and mappedRowGet methods ignore the action attribute for a map field in the map definition it will be implemented in a future version. Applications that make use of the whole map may find this property useful in protecting field data and determining how to use the map field.


Note that the action attribute is optional for the map definition and may not have been set.




Flynet Viewer


See Also


getMapField | mappedSet | mappedGet | mappedRowGet | mappedRowSet | column | index | length | name | read | rightAdjust | row | write


Applies To: MapField object


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