Flynet Viewer .NET Programmer's Reference

name Property (string)

name Property (string)

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name Property (string)

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The name of the map field object.





 Required. MapField object.






This property is useful when dynamic host screen updates or HTML field generation are performed by using the data already defined in the maps within the screen definition.


The following VB.NET example demonstrates how a function can generate HTML field input tags for a host screen by using the map definition data:


Dim objCon As New HostConnection

Dim objScr As HostScreen

Dim objCurrentDef As ScreenDef

Dim objMap As ScreenMap

Dim objMapField As MapField

Dim strHTML As String

Dim i As Integer

objCon.HostName = "Insure"

objCon.Connect "standard"

Set objScr = objCon.getScreen

Set objCurrentDef = objScr.getScreenDef             'get the current definition

If objCurrentDef.mapCount > 0 Then

Set objMap = objCurrentDef.getScreenMap(CLng(0)) 'get the map by index (convert to long)

For i = 0 To objMap.fieldCount - 1

Set objMapField = objMap.getMapField(CLng(i))

strHTML = strHTML & "<TD>" & objMapField.Name _

 & ":</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE='text' NAME='" _

 & objMapField.Name & "' VALUE='" _

 & objScr.mappedGet(objMapField.Name) _

 & "'></TD></TR>"



MsgBox "No maps defined for this screen."

End If

Set objMapField = Nothing

Set objMap = Nothing

Set objCurrentDef = Nothing

Set objScr = Nothing

objCon.disconnect "reserve"

Set objCon = Nothing




Flynet Viewer


See Also


getMapField | mappedSet | mappedGet | mappedRowGet | mappedRowSet | column | index | length | name | read | rightAdjust | row | write


Applies To: MapField object


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