Flynet Viewer .NET Programmer's Reference

application Property

application Property

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application Property

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Return or set the application definition to use in screen recognition.


string HostConnection.application





 Required. HostConnection object.






Multiple definition files can be loaded simultaneously. Each definition file has an application attribute to identify it under the FlyConnector element. Use the HostConnection application property to use a specific definition file.


When a server has multiple definitions loaded using this property can improve performance and prevent duplicate screen recognition errors.


The following example sets the session to use the "AcctUpdates" application definition for recognition and field maps.


 HostConnection oConn = new HostConnection();

 oConn.hostName = "Insure";

 oConn.application = "AcctUpdates";




Flynet Viewer


See Also


ScreenDef | getScreenDef | getScreenName | waitForScreen | getScreenMap | activeMapName


Applies To: HostConnection object


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