Flynet Viewer .NET Programmer's Reference

allocatedSessions (static integer)

allocatedSessions (static integer)

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allocatedSessions (static integer)

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The total number of session licenses on the server including any clustered server sessions.












If you need to track a static list or array of objects, one per possible session on the server, use this static integer to learn the highest possible session that might be started.


This value includes all sessions including additional allocated sessions pre-allocated for other clustered servers when operating in a license cluster.


The following example demonstrates how to use the HostConnection class to retrieve the full number of allocated sessions.


 int totalAllocatedSessions=HostConnection.allocatedSessions;




Flynet Viewer


See Also


availableSessions | availablePooledSessions | sessionLicenses | sessionPooledLicenses | sessionNormalLicenses


Applies To: HostConnection object


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