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PCL to PDF Convert Command

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The default for this value is a sample .bat file installed in the Inventu Viewer programs subfolder "Printing" named PCLToPDF.bat.


You do not need to change this unless you want use a different command and/or utility to convert the PCL to PDF.


Sample .bat file Contents:



REM Batch file to convert .pcl files to .pdf using Sample Open Source Ghost PCL

REM See and select GNU Affero GhostPCL AGPL Release 64 bit for Windows

REM Unzip to c:\program files\gs\[version] depending on the version then rename folder to "activeVersion"


REM %1 is the input .pcl file, %2 is the output .pdf file.

ECHO Converting %1 to PDF

"C:\Program Files\gs\activeVersion\gpcl6win64.exe" -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=%2 %1