This is only provided in case there are additional scopes beyond the default setting that you may want available to the InventuSSO or other Server-side extension.
By adding scopes to this list, your provider will send additional information based on what you have entered.
It is not recommended to remove an item, although if you do not choose to have email as the setting for OpenID Connect Claim/Attribute Used for Session Identity you can omit the "email".
Default: openid profile email
Optional: groups userInfo
You may need to add "groups" to obtain the groups that a user belongs to in order to apply to any filters on Views, Profiles or Macros. This is true for Auth0, SalesForce and Okta but not true for AzureAD and will cause an error if included.
The best way to check if the user's groups are being returned is to set OAuth2 OpenID Detailed Logging on by checking it, have a user sign-in and check the OIDCAuth.log file in the active FVTerm logs folder. Found in the folder set in FVTerm Internal Logging Root Folder.
There is an explicit call for User Information that may be needed to fulfill information not returned in the default connection user Token. Add the identifier "userInfo" to obtain this additional information.