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Inventu Viewer+ Configuration Management

Navigation: Configuration Web Page (Admin.html) > Web Server Tab > Security > OAuth2 OpenID Connect Security

OpenID Connect Claim/Attribute Used for Session Identity

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This setting manages how a Signed-in OpenID Connect User will be identified in the server administration console and Management Console under "owner"--it also is used for naming Credential files for InventuSSO, so if the emails might be duplicated across different identities in your OpenID Database, use the OpenID Connect Subject Identifier.




OpenID Connect Subject Identifier

A unique string that guarantees a unique identity (will display as "sub" when selected in the changes description).

User Email (default) step_default_24

The primary Email will be used to identify the user.  With many Identity providers, this is unique but it isn't guaranteed so if you have user licensing or are using InventuSSSO for sign-in, only use this if you have confirmed all emails are unique in your provider database.


Note that the email will not be sent unless the Scope includes "email" in the list.