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Inventu Viewer+ Configuration Management

When Checked, the OpenID Connect discovery URI's are supported by the provider.  These include /.well-known/openid-configuration and /.well-known/jwks.json which may be different depending on the information returned by the configuration query.


As some implementations do NOT support these URI's you should un-check this setting so that you can manually enter the OpenID Connect Authorization Endpoint and OpenID Connect Token Endpoint settings.  Since these settings are provided by the openid-configuration API, they are hidden when this setting is checked.



Checked step_default_24

Provider supports the well-known API openid-configuration


Provider does NOT support the well-known API openid-configuration.


You can test if your provider supports this option with a web browser by taking the OpenID Connect Provider Name and checking the openid-configuration URI.


For example, -- where "" is the provider.  If your provider supports this call, a JSON object will be returned.  If not, you can get a 404 or other error.