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Configuration Steps for Google Authentication and Integration with FVTerm

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The  Inventu Viewer+ integration with Google Authentication assumes that your organization has a managed Google account and that all the users that will access the FVTerm Web Terminal emulator are members of your managed account.


User Requirements

The steps outlined in this document require that the user be a "Super Administrator" of the Google Domain as some steps can only be performed by a user with this authority.


Overview of Required Credentials

Integrating with the Google Sign-In and Authorization for the Inventu Viewer+ FVTerm Web Terminal Emulator requires two different Project Outputs from the Google Administration and API Console sites.  These enable the two key requirements of an FVTerm Security Integration:


The OAuth 2.0 Client ID Ensures that any user accessing FVTerm has been authenticated as a member of your domain. The output is a JSON file that is downloaded / transferred to each FVTerm server in your environment

An Administration API Service Account Key provides read-only access to Users, Organizational Units and Groups in order to enable selected access to FVTerm Views, Profiles and Macro Folders. This also has a JSON file as output that is downloaded / transferred to each FVTerm server in your environment.


The Goal is to download these two files so that the Inventu Viewer+ Configuration Web Server / Security Section can specify their location on each Inventu Viewer+ Server when Google Sign-In is selected as the security type.