The application configuration portion of the FVTerm Web.Config file are found at the top of the file:
<!-- Optional: ASP.NET hosting application name and definition file-->
<add key="Application" value="InsureUI;insure.xml;"/>
<!-- Optional: Starting application for FVTerm client connections-->
<add key="startapp" value="InsureUI"/>
<!-- Activate WebSockets on supported platforms (WS2012+, Windows8+) by setting to "yes" -->
<add key="UseWebSockets" value="no"/>
<!-- Support moving users by setting WSKeepOpen which allows closing at one browser and moving -->
<add key="WSKeepOpen" value="yes"/>
<!-- Change the default browser title for the FVTerm window -->
<add key="windowTitle" value="Inventu Viewer Host Access"/>
<!-- Change the default browser title text appended to host description when session is active -->
<add key="windowSessionText" value=" Inventu Viewer Host Access Session"/>
<!-- When set to "yes", when a user access the top FVTerm page, a list of active sessions is displayed, for potential re-connection -->
<add key="DisplayActiveSessions" value="no"/>
<!-- When set to the number of minutes before closing a session after the connection
to the browser client communications has stopped -->
<add key="lostSessionTimeout" value="0"/>
<!-- Set to "yes" or any text but "no" to display problem reporting link when connection tiles are displayed. -->
<add key="DisplayReportLink" value="no"/>
<!-- Control how many times the FVTerm client will retry a broken websocket connection -->
<add key="WSMaxRetries" value="3" />
<!-- When trace is active, implement additional trace information for websockets -->
<add key="WSTracing" value="no"/>
<!-- For Network environments where Web Sockets occasionally get dropped (VERY COMMON!) -->
<add key="WSMonitorHealth" value="no"/>
<!-- Control how session key is managed-- add secure string to prevent any use without HTTPS -->
<add key="SecureSessions" value="httpOnly"/>
<!-- Will provide the server being used to FVTerm clients for load-balanced environments -->
<add key="serverInfo" value="Inventu Production VM #3"/>
<!-- IE (Internet Explorer) ActiveX setup defaults - on for yes, off for no ActiveX, with array of major versions-->
<add key="IEActiveX" value="{'on':[6],'off':[7,8,9,10]}"/>
<!-- Hide selected icons in the tray area -->
<add key="HideTrayIcons" value="histIcon, macIcon"/>
<!-- Maximum number of screens saved in history for user review (oldest discarded) -->
<add key="screenHistoryMax" value="100"/>
<!-- For ASCII protocols, the number of characters in a buffer indicated "new screen" -->
<add key="historySaveSize" value="500"/>
<!-- Show selected icons in the tray area -->
<add key="ShowTrayIcons" value="xferIcon=sessFolder"/>
<!-- While client is active, set activity timer for session to prevent timeouts-->
<add key="keepSessionsActive" value="no"/>
<!-- When connecting with out-dated version, cancel connection and inform user-->
<add key="ForcedUpgrades" value="no"/>
<!-- Display connection menu or just start--user can configure-->
<add key="AutoStart" value="no"/>
<!-- Function Key Hotspots can be a button or transparent, use SCHS for Button,
SCHST for Transparent-->
<add key="HotSpotClass" value="SCHS"/>
<!-- If you need to host an FVTerm iFrame in an application that is not on the same server or has a different port, set this to the top-level domain that both servers are on and you ALSO need to set in FVTerm.html-->
<add key="setDomain" value=""/>
<!-- Enable switching in load balanced environment to different server-->
<add key="loadBalancerCookie" value="ARRAffinity"/>
<!-- Manage type of identification needed for connecting/licensing-->
<add key="connectIdentity" value="windowsUser"/>
<!-- Default Padding character for 3270 entry fields that use a character instead of blank, use \0 for none-->
<add key="padChar" value="\0"/>
<!-- Restrict stripping the pad character to password fields only-->
<add key="stripPadPWOnly" value="yes"/>
<!-- Activate creation and logging to SessionStats.csv in the ProgramData\[Inventu/Viewer]\FVTerm logging folder-->
<add key="logSessionStatistics" value="true"/>
<!-- Location of Log files when logging individual terminal sessions (optional)-->
<add key="loggingFolder" value="c:\FVLogger\Logs"/>
<!-- Standard Logging Detail, optional, only used if loggingFolder is defined-->
<add key="logLevel" value="ScreenDetails"/>
<!-- Optional: User data entry logging extension for audit trail-->
<add key="logExtension" value="c:\FVCustomLogger\FVExtLogger.dll"/>
<!-- Optional: For Logging extensions, the definition file for field locations-->
<add key="loggingDefinition" value="insure.xml"/>
<!-- Optional: when logging, determines how a log file is named-->
<add key="logNameFormat" value="{0}_{1}_{2,-14:HH:mm:ss}"/>
<!-- Maximum HTTP 1.1 Connections override (IE clients only using ActiveX control)-->
<add key="httpConnections" value="9"/>
<!-- change to your folder and page-->
<add key="defPage" value="default.aspx"/>
<!-- Set to "no" to hide/disable client preference button-->
<add key="displayPreferences" value="yes"/>
<!-- Set to "no" to hide/disable menu box for help-->
<add key="displayHelpMenu" value="yes"/>
<!-- Change to true if your host program errors if blanks are stripped from the end of entry fields-->
<add key="keepEntryBlanks" value="false"/>
<!-- Activate Sending Enter on a mouse double-Click-->
<add key="doubleClickEnters" value="yes"/>
<!-- Activate Scrolling History for VT protocols and set maximum lines retained during session-->
<add key="scrollHistoryMax" value="500"/>
<!-- Emulator or Browser entry fields and options-->
<add key="entryStyle" value="Emulator"/>
<!-- Cursor Style when entryStyle is Emulator-->
<add key="cursorStyle" value="BlockBlink"/>
<!-- Cursor background color outside of an entry field-->
<add key="cursorBackground" value="#00ffff"/>
<!-- Cursor background in entryStyle emulator data field that has light background-->
<add key="cursorDataDark" value="black"/>
<!-- Cursor background in entryStyle emulator data field that has dark background-->
<add key="cursorDataLight" value="white"/>
<!-- Cursor opacity in entryStyle emulator data field-->
<add key="cursorDataOpacity" value="1.0"/>
<!-- pixels between rows-->
<add key="lineSep" value="3"/>
<!-- active emulator font-->
<add key="termFont" value="Lucida Console"/>
<!-- active emulator font for OSX clients-->
<add key="MacTermFont" value="Courier New"/>
<!-- Set to no to prevent clients from changing -->
<add key="webServicesControl" value="no"/>
<!-- 0=none,1=refresh page,2=reserved,3=all in XML-->
<add key="webServicesLevel" value="3"/>
<!-- Set this to the default host (host1, host2 first value) -->
<add key="TermHost" value="host1"/>
<!-- Set to *required for user to pass answerback/LUName/DeviceID-->
<!-- Set to *none for no deviceID support -->
<add key="DeviceID" value="*none"/>
<!-- one per each host you want to give options for, host1, host2, host3 and so on-->
<add key="host1" value="Host1;First Screen Viewer Host"/>
<!-- Can hardcode device ID for a host by matching digit at end -->
<add key="DeviceID1" value="LU0023"/>
<add key="host2" value="Insure;Localhost 3270"/>
<!-- Can set a unique CSS stylesheet default for each host -->
<add key="cssForInsure" value="SC3270Clr.css" />
<add key="host3" value="LocalVT;Local VT Simhost (Codepage 850)"/>
<!-- Can enable File Transfers for a host (future support, separate protocols with vertical bar) -->
<add key="FileXfer_for_Host2" value="IND$FILE"/>
<add key="host4" value="local5250;Localhost 5250"/>
<!-- one per each Stylesheet you want to give options for, css1, css2, css3 and so on, must be unique-->
<add key="css1" value="SCStyle.css;Standard;"/>
<add key="css2" value="SCStyle5251.css;Greenscreen;"/>
<add key="css3" value="SC3270Clr.css;Color 3270;"/>
<add key="css4" value="SCColor.css;Color 5250-Input Backlit;"/>
<add key="css5" value="SC5250Clr.css;Color 5250-Traditional;"/>
<add key="css6" value="SCStyleVT.css;VT100/220/320/ANSI;"/>
<!-- VT default style sheet-->
<add key="TNVTCSS" value="SCStyleVT.css" />
<!-- 5250 default style sheet-->
<add key="TN5250CSS" value="SC5250Clr.css" />
<!-- 3270 default style sheet-->
<add key="TN3270CSS" value="SC3270Clr.css" />
<!-- For browsers supporting transforms--stretch to fit window?-->
<add key="StretchFonts" value="yes"/>
<!-- default IOS and Mac Safari style sheet-->
<add key="MacTermCSS" value="SCStyleVT.css"/>
<!-- default style sheet-->
<add key="termCSS" value="SCStyle.css"/>
<!-- default style sheet-->
<!-- FONT NOTES: the following fonts are a mixture of "public domain" as well -->
<!-- as commercial fonts. Fonts not marked as "free" or "freeware" -->
<!-- are provided for evaluation purposes only and -->
<!-- should not be provided to users without a font purchase from the respective -->
<!-- owners of the font copyrights (where applicable)-->
<add key="font1" value="Courier New"/>
<!-- one for each font to allow the user to select-->
<add key="font2" value="Lucida Console"/>
<!-- free from Microsoft-->
<add key="font3" value="Andale Mono"/>
<!-- free from Microsoft-->
<add key="font4" value="Consolas"/>
<!-- Vista "C" font- free from Microsoft, download PPT viewer for Office 2007 to install...-->
<add key="font5" value="anonymous"/>
<!-- freeware from Marc Simonson Studio: -->
<add key="font6" value="Unispace"/>
<!-- freeware from Larabie Fonts: -->
<add key="font7" value="Onuava"/>
<!-- shareware ($15) from Scriptorium: -->
<add key="font8" value="r_ansi"/>
<!-- commercial font from BitStream, popularized by Reflections emulators, -->
<add key="font9" value="Ocelot Monowidth"/>
<!-- shareware ($15) from Dennis Palumbo: -->
<add key="font10" value="VeraMono"/>
<add key="font11" value="Monofur"/>
<add key="MacFont1" value="Courier New"/>
<!-- included with OS/X-->
<add key="MacFont2" value="VeraMono"/>
<add key="MacFont3" value="Unispace"/>
<add key="MacFont4" value="Monofur"/>
<!-- Macro support for windows security--uncomment and set the admins individually
<add key="windowsSec_for_Host1" value="admins:|mydomain\userid1|mydomain\userid2|;groups:everyone;"/>
<add key="macroAuthors_for_Host1" value="|mydomain\userid1|mydomain\userid2|" />
--> |
Each entry is defined in the file (as a .NET configuration standard) as a "name-value pair" using the add tag, with the name of defined with the key attribute and the value defined with the value attribute.
Each of the name-value pairs that provide the default settings for the emulation users are described in the following sections: