The FVTerm Color Change tool is a great way to change individual field type attributes using point-and-click--but to change the default background color for all attributes in a style sheet requires editing the file--for example, the SC3270.css file
/* Default for all unprotected attributes */
.TBG, , .ST0, .ST32, .ST2, .ST34, .ST42, .ST68, .ST8, .ST40, .ST10, .ST50, .ST16, .ST48, .ST18, .ST24, .ST56, .ST26,
.ST64, .ST96, .ST66, .ST98, .ST72, .ST104, .ST74, .ST80, .ST112, .ST82, .ST114, .ST88, .ST120, .ST90
color: #00ff00;
background-color: black;
There are other sections related to input fields for 3270 and 5250 (ASCII terminal types do not have input fields) which may have defaults you would like to change but here we are covering the "protected" display field types.
As you can see, the default background color for this style sheet is black. If you want to change this just change to black to another supported CSS color, like #002200 which would be a dark green. For some use cases, copying the SC3270.css file to one or more other files, then changing each or those background colors could be what users are looking for who want different background colors for different "task-oriented" emulation sessions (like Provider Inquiry, Patient Inquiry for a health-care environment).
Once you have changed the background color, to activate, recycle the IIS FVTerm v4.0 Application the timestamps for CSS files are used to create unique URL's to defeat the default caching for static HTML resources.