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Inventu Viewer+ Simulated Host

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Running Multiple Simulated Host Instances

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In some testing environments where multiple hosts are involved in a Inventu Viewer+ solution, it may be desirable to run more than one instance of the Simulated Host.


This can be accomplished by running the SimHost.exe executable as a command-line process instead of a service, and passing it the right parameters.


Running additional SimHost executables as command-line processes can be performed on the same machine as the standard service-based SimHost, so think of the command-line instances as the "second, third and so on" instances.




-start scriptname port




-start = required first parameter, indicating a non-service execution
scriptname= Fully qualified location of the script to be compiled and used with this instance
port= Telnet Port number to use...each instance must be unique to avoid conflicts




To run, from a command line or other process-launching method, run the Simhost exe as follows, this example assumes that the Inventu Viewer+ installation folder is at c:\program files\[inventu|flynet]\viewer so change the example as appropriate depending on your installation location:


"c:\program files\inventu\viewer\bin\simhost.exe" -start "c:\program files\inventu\viewer\simhostscripts\insure script.xml" 24

"c:\program files\inventu\viewer\bin\simhost.exe" -start "c:\program files\inventu\viewer\simhostscripts\FlynetTelecomms.sms" 25