Flynet Viewer - Screen Definitions Reference

Working with Definition Files

Working with Definition Files

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Working with Definition Files

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You can create and modify Definition files a number of ways, including:


Direct editing with editor of your choice

Front-end tool, such as the Flynet Viewer Mapper

Export from the Workflow Recording Viewer (through clipboard)


Definition files normally are inside the product's Definitions folder, but the location of definitions files can be changed in the Administrator's Settings Window, by changing the Definition Files Folder property.


In your application, you use the ScreenDefControl interface to manage the loading of a definitions file into your application's process.


Once loaded into an application process using the ScreenDefControl interface, the definitions in the file are accessed with the following FlyScreen Interfaces:


ScreenDef - Provides interfaces to all definition entities



waitForScreenMonitor screen changes and return when a screen (from a Screen definition) is displayed or timeout occurs
getScreenNameReturns the name of the currently displayed screen
getScreenDefReturns a ScreenDef object for the currently displayed screen
mappedGetRead a field through a named FieldMap.Field definition
mappedSetWrite a field through a named FieldMap.Field definition
mappedRowGetRead a field through a FieldMap.Field definition, indexed for multirow screen
mappedRowSetWrite a field through a FieldMap.Field definition, indexed for multirow screen