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Flynet Screen Workflow Recording Guide

Navigation: Getting Started

Viewing Existing Recordings

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As with Creating a Recording, there are a number of ways a recording can be created, but each utilizes the ViewRec.HTA application described in the previous section.


On the Flynet Viewer Server


If you are working at a PC that has Flynet Viewer installed on it, you can select the View an Existing Workflow Recording from the start button or from the Administration Window, or you can use the View Existing Workflow Recording link from the Start Menu, or simply, from a command line:


 c:\program files\flynet\viewer\admin\viewrec.hta


Not at the Flynet Viewer Server


If you want to create a recording at a PC that is not a Flynet Viewer server, you will need to gain access to the ADMIN folder of the installed Flynet Viewer application either through a direct Windows share or an IIS virtual folder.  When loading the application, you will receive a warning--select to proceed and run the application rather than download.


For example, if the server where Flynet Viewer is installed has a local DNS name of HostAccess and on HostAccess an instance of IIS is active with a virtual folder named FSTAdmin pointing to the installed folder's Admin folder, in your browser you would enter the URL of:




This will load the view recordings application--you may need to enter a userid/password as the requisite files load.


Once the Application is Loaded


You will be presented the Open Dialog for recordings, described in the next section.  Once you have named your new recording file, for help in viewing the recording, see the Viewer Guide section.


If a Connection Error Occurs


By default, when first used on a machine, the target for the Recording Viewer is localhost, which if on the Flynet Viewer server will probably work (as long as the Flynet Viewer Service is started).  However, if you are on a different machine than the Flynet Viewer Server, you will probably need to update the Client Settings to point to the correct machine.