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Inventu Viewer+ Single Signon Server Extension

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Understanding States

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The logic of the configuration scripts is based on a single "state" that the user's session is in.  There are two formal states that are set by the hosting logic--at any time the state can be changed with the SetState action...


The State is the primary control for the logic, and how it is defined is using the WhenState Setting.


Formal States


The following states are set by the logic depending on the Global Settings and the availability of Host Credentials


LogonInit Set prior to any Credentials logic, including loading an existing Credential file for a user.  Intended to enable the setting of the userQualifier special value/field that controls Credential file naming for users with more than one host user ID.  
Can also be used with a SetState expression to set the State to Exit for certain users or connection values, to bypass logon actions and logic.
This State should be detected in a WhenState for the initial, first screen displayed for a host.
Logon1 Set when the either the GenericUser mode is active or CredentialsManaged is true and the user has signed-on before (user's credentials are found)
Capture Set when the active host credentials (variables named HostID and HostPW) are not known
Capture.InIn processing when the state has a ".In" qualifier it means that the user has entered the screen vs the host displaying the screen.  The scripts run in both screen enters (.In) and host displays (no qualifier) so adding the .In means only run after user entry.


LogoffThe session is ending--the user has clicked on the disconnect icon, the session has timed-out or an administrator has manually stopped the session.  Use this state to log the user off when it is of value in terms of finishing transactions and closing databases.  Note that even if the Exit has been set, when the disconnect occurs and a Host has a WhenState with Logoff, the actions associated with a screen and the Logoff state will run.
Use the Host Setting MaximumLogoffScreens to control how many screen enters can be executed during this special state.
The goal with any host is to understand the best pathway--whether that be entering PF3 on each screen or a CLEAR followed by a logoff command.


The following state is set in a script and is used to cancel all subsequent scripting and free any associated resources for the active session


ExitTerminate the script--this is checked by the outer executable logic at the end of each WhenState block