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Inventu Viewer+ Single Signon Server Extension

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Formal Field Names

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The term "Field" in this documentation refers to values stored during the active connection and is equivalent to "variable" in programming terms.


There are a number of "formal" field names based on the connection framework of the InventuSSO extension, described in the following table.


Field Name



Configured host name for the session


User identity based on active identity framework -- for example, Windows ID or email address


If passed by connection logic, will be used to qualify the Credentials file name for the user, enabling multiple host User ID's for the same userName--this will override any userHostID for purposes of naming the Credentials file.  Unlike userHostID, the userQualifier isn't expected to match an actual host ID but instead may have unique identification that is NOT a host user ID.


If userQualifier is not present, if passed by connection logic, will be used to qualify the Credentials file name for the user, enabling multiple host User ID's for the same userName


If the SetDeviceID action is defined for active host, will contain the generated DeviceID


If the GenericUser global setting is set to * then this must be passed by connection logic as the active generic user ID


The active host user ID read from a Credentials File or originated in a userHostID connection setting.  This should also be used in any Capture logic for consistency.


Host password read from a Credentials File or passed during an initial connection of a generic user


If set during initial connection screens, will display as a message to the user at the client browser


If set to any value during initial screen display, will halt any more scripting


The actual state set with SetState -- See Understanding States