The Recog setting is used to identify a screen at runtime. Screen recognition is evaluated from the first ScreenName defined in a HostName(s), top to bottom. The first screen that has all Recog settings evaluate "TRUE" will be treated as the active screen and its WhenState settings will be evaluated.
Note that the same screen can be defined multiple times in order to implement conditional logic based on displayed text.
At this time, the logic of the InventuSSO is very simple and limited as only a single state can be set across screens and the only control over logic is to use screen recognition Recog tags to split logic based on screen content. For example, to run different actions if an error message is displayed, have two ScreenName tags, one with a blank defined where any error displays and another without that Recog (but defined after the more qualified ScreenName).
Catch-All Screen
A simple trick to have a screen that will always "run" is to put a ScreenName at the end of the HostName(s) block with no Recog settings. An example of this can be found at the bottom of the CICS Zero Admin SSO sample.
•row: Screen row where text starts or * to indicate the active cursor row which is important for ASCII hosts
•column: Screen column where text starts
•text: Text to check
The active screen is clear (no text first five rows)
Password expiration screen--both Recog settings must evaluate true
ASCII Prompt for User ID
Recog=*,1,User ID:
ASCII Prompt for Password