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Inventu Viewer+ Single Signon Server Extension

Contains the class PWRules, that implements the extensive password rules supported by the AS400/IBMi and Mainframe RACF.


The class is constructed using the settings from the SetPasswordRules Host/HostNames setting.


It is quite an extensive source file with 1,200+ lines of code and in order to support all the rules, it is quite complex...but has been fully tested with a Test rig that tested all permutations of the available options.


Generation randomization is achieved using the System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider class and no predictable patterns or sequencing are implemented.



public PWRules(string def, bool noLogging = false)


Constructs a Password Generator object using a definition as defined in SetPasswordRules



public string GenPW(string lastPW)


Will return a generate password--if the user's previous password is available, it should be provided otherwise null.  The previous password is needed for a rule that states no characters can be repeated from the last password.