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Managing an FVTerm Child iFrame in Javascript

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fvApi.SetCursor= function (row, column, readyFunc, timeOut)

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Class method--used to set the current cursor location when keystrokes are to be sent using SendKeys.  This is typically more appropriate for VT (character mode hosts) since the SetField call is more appropriate for block-mode (3270 & 5250) hosts.


Note that with VT (character mode) hosts, this will send [left], [right], [up] and [down] keys to relocate the current cursor position, which may not match how the host responds (some hosts will interpret these keys and move the cursor to the next logical entry field rather than the next position on the screen.


In many situations, using [home] and one or more [tab] or [backtab] keys to position the cursor in a VT environment may be more effective and faster since it can be concatenated with data fields and an [enter] for one use of the SendKeys function.





Target row to move the cursor- zero or more [down] or [up] keys will be sent depending on the current cursor location. 1=first row


Target column to move the cursor- zero or more [left] or [right] keys will be sent depending on the current cursor location. 1=first column

readyFunc (optional)

Function to call when the cursor has repositioned successfully.  Function has one boolean parameter which will be true if the move was successful.  If this parameter is omitted, it is assumed that the positioning keystrokes will be processed in a buffered state with any following SendKey text.

timeOut (optional)

Number of seconds to wait for the host to reposition the cursor after the send of the positioning keystrokes.  If omitted, default is 10 seconds.


Return Value



No errors occurred (emSess value is not null)


An error of some sort occurred and the cursor cannot be expected to settle in the new position.