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Navigation: Using the FVTermParent Javascript Module

FVTermParent.js Functions and Variables

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The FVTermSession object and a set of javascript prototypes are provided in the FVTermParent.js file found in the FVTerm/Scripts folder.


FVTermSession contains a number of formal functions that are part of a call-back framework (such as OnLoad) as well as some useful helper functions defined to make it easier to interact with the FVTerm session object.


The FVTermSession class, as implemented, can be treated as a sample or utilized directly.  When utilized directly, you can override individual function prototypes by re-declaring them in your javascript after the inclusion of FVTermParent.js in your HTML page, or use the events that are supported as documented in the following sections.


The key members are defined in the following sections:


ConnectFVTerm Factory Function -- connect a new session


oonnewscreen - triggered each time a new screen is updated from the host

oonchange - triggered each time the user changes field with 5250 or 3270 host

oonkeys - triggered each keystroke when a VT session is active

oonsend - triggered on each screen send

oonclose - the session has been closed

oonrestart - the user has started a new session with a host connection tile

oonsave - user field entries have been saved to the server

oonalert - enables tracking and optionally replacing the user interface for all user status, alert and message box messages.

Close - Close the active terminal session along with any open dialogs

SendKeys - Send enter keys or text keys if ASCII host

SetField - Set the value of a 5250 or 3270 field

SetCursor - Set the cursor location

GetScnText - Get screen text

GetField - Get a field value for 5250 or 3270 host

GetScnRows - Read one or more whole screen rows

StartMacro - start a macro by name