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Managing an FVTerm Child iFrame in Javascript

NOTE- this is NOT available in the FVAPISession returned by the FVMsgApi.ConnectMsgFVTerm call, since in the messaging environment, no direct access to the FVTerm client window is available.


The fvWin top-level Window object contains most of the functions and variables that manage the FVTerm application at the client.


A number of useful functions can be called in fvWin including:






Set the active hotspot definition.  The SCHSDefs.js javascript file includes the default hotspot definition which handles common function key descriptors.  Depending on how many hosts you manage from the same server, you many need multiple hotspot definitions.  With this function, you can change the active hotspot definition to match the active host or active application.


Usage:  fvWin.SetActiveHSDef('VMSKeys');


Close the active session, terminating the connection to the host.  Default is to display the connection menu, but can easily hide the FVTerm iframe and display something in its place if desired. Usage:  fvWin.CloseTerm(true);


Will resize and refresh the active FVTerm contents. Usage:  fvWin.RunResize('from parent');


Update the information area at the bottom of the FVTerm iFrame--can include a true parameter to turn "WAITING" on. Usage:  fvWin.UpdateInfo(true); // Turn on WAITING


Hide selected icons from the user.  See the FVTerm Web.Config documentation for the HideTrayIcons key setting for the icon names and format used. Usage:  fvWin.HideIcons('histIcon, macIcon');


Show additional icons to the user.  See the FVTerm Web.Config documentation for the ShowTrayIcons key setting for the icon names and format used. Usage:  fvWin.ShowIcons('xferIcon');


Returns true if the icon named is shown. Usage:  var xferIcon = fvWin.IconIsShown('xferIcon');


Toggle the settings iframe in the FVTerm window--the fvWin.settingsOpen variable is true when the settings are open; false when closed. Usage:  OpenTSettings(5);  // opens with 5 pixel margin in lower left of FVTerm