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Managing an FVTerm Child iFrame in Javascript

The defined events are called when the corresponding event is called in the FVTermSession object.  Setting an event can be used instead of re-declaring a function prototype, and is recommended to maintain certain housekeeping logic in the FVAPISession (msgAPI) or  FVTermSession (FVParent) class.


onnewscreen When a new screen has been sent to the browser

onchange Called each time the user tabs-out of a field or presses Enter or another send key (3270/5250 hosts only)

onkeys Called each one or more simple keystrokes are being sent to the host (ASCII hosts only)

onsend Called each time the active screen is being sent to the host

onclose Called when the session is closed by the user.

onrestart Called when the session is restarted by the user.

onsave  Called when field contents are saved (3270 or 5250)

onalert Called for alerts, message boxes and informational message displays