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How to Implement Server Scripting and Logging With FVTerm

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This document provides assistance in the implementation of custom logging and control/data replication for the Inventu Viewer+ FVTerm Web Terminal Emulator.


By implementing a custom logging extension assembly, user interactions with screens while using the Inventu Viewer+ Web Terminal emulator (FVTerm) can be controlled at the server as well as logged to a file or a database.


Possible uses include:


Single or Custom Signon Implementation - See the InventuSSO Solution that is built as a FVExtLogger extension

Access control for web users to sensitive data not otherwise possible with existing host security definitions

Audit-trail implementation for tracking user access and data entry

Data replication: every change made by a user to a host-based terminal application can be immediately updated in a database for use by client-server or web applications


To log by specific field name, the screens and fields involved must be mapped to a standard Inventu Viewer+ definitions file, either with the Mapper utility or Inventu Viewer+ Studio.


Once screen identification information is available (along with field locations and names within the screens), the custom logging assembly can log each and every add or update of the identified field data by users.