Flynet Viewer .NET Programmer's Reference

sessionLicensedUser (string)        

sessionLicensedUser (string)        

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sessionLicensedUser (string)        

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If your Flynet Server license is based on concurrent users rather than simply concurrent sessions, this property must be used prior to the connect() method in order to establish a user identity for the connection.







 Required. HostConnection object.






Values can be:

The User's fully qualified network identity (Windows domain and username for example)

The User's fully qualified IP address (NAT address combined with local address as provided in HTTP headers)

Any other identifier that will uniquely identify the user


The following example illustrates a session connection options being set and the connection method being executed:


 HostConnection oConn = new HostConnection();

 oConn.hostName = "Host1";

 oConn.sessionLicensedUser = Request.LogonUserIdentity.User;





Flynet Viewer


See Also


Connect | hostName


Applies To: HostConnection object


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