Flynet Viewer .NET Programmer's Reference

getScreenDef Method

getScreenDef Method

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getScreenDef Method

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Return a ScreenDef object.


ScreenDef getScreenDef(String name);





 Required. HostScreen object.



 Optional. A string value representing the screen definition name.




If screen contents have not changed since the last getScreenDef, getScreenName or waitForScreen, a ScreenDef object for the current screen will be returned.


If any screen changes have occurred, the screen definitions are scanned to identify the active screen and return the ScreenDef object for that screen.  If the screen is not recognized, the special ScreenDef object of "default" is returned.


If the optional fullName parameter is passed, the name is used to search the active screen definitions for the screen.  An error condition is set if the screen is not found.  The string passed should be fully qualified based on the grouping of screens inside the screen group, but may include a wildcard "*" at the beginning to search for the unqualified name. For example, "Insure.MainMenu" serves as a valid fully qualified name, and "*.MainMenu" serves to search for the unqualified name.




Flynet Viewer


See Also


MapField | ScreenDef | ScreenMap | getScreenDef | HostScreen.getScreenDef | getScreenName


Applies To: ScreenDefControl object


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