Flynet Viewer .NET Programmer's Reference

nextReadySilence Property

nextReadySilence Property

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nextReadySilence Property

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The temporary number of milliseconds to wait for no send buffers following the end of a host write buffer that results in an UNLOCK in order to return from a wait.







 Required. HostConnection object.






This property will override the active readySilence property for one wait period following the keyboard unlock.  It can be used to tune for a long delay for certain screen transitions, when they are known to be problematic in terms of late, unpredictable screen updates.


NOTE--the nextReadySilence value can be set particularly high in certain types of transitions where the keyboard is unlocked TOO EARLY, for example, some VT220 environments unlock the keyboard and then pause, before sending the "real updates".


If you are certain that additional buffers will always come after the keyboard unlock for certain transitions, setting this value to 5000 will provide up to a 5 second wait for subsequent buffers.  After the next buffer is received (following the keyboard unlock) this value will no longer be used for subsequent checks and the readySilence value will take over.




Flynet Viewer


Applies To: HostConnection object


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