Flynet Viewer Usage Scenarios

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Flynet Viewer Usage Scenarios

Find out some of the different ways you can use Flynet Viewer.

Flynet Viewer is a powerful package that allows you to modernise your IBM mainframe and iSeries, UNIX and VMS screen based applications in many different ways. Here are a few different scenarios to help you see how you could use Flynet Viewer within your own organization.

Terminal Emulation in a web browser.

Flynet Viewer can securely offer terminal emulation in a web browser. This article explains the general benefits of working this way. It also highlights how Flynet Viewer achieves emulation in the browser and why it is special. More...

Expose host application business logic as web services.

Flynet Viewer can robustly wrap the business logic locked into the screens of your application into web services. These web services can then be used by other systems or developers, safely integrating your host with contemporary technologies. More...

Create live Key Performance Indicator dashboards.

Quickly access KPIs held across various host screens in a stunning live dashboard. Flynet Viewer can securely access data on your host application screens and place them into an interactive dashboard. More...

Redesign the interface of sections, or all of your host application.

Do you have an image problem with your screen based application? Do you find it hard to sell your screen based system, or do you have training headaches? With Flynet Viewer you can easily redesign your green screen application and present a fantastic new web front end. More...

Synchronise host data with an external source.

Flynet Viewer can help you synchronise you host screen data with external sources - databases, 3rd party applications, Microsoft Windows Active Directory etc. This article will give you an indication of the flexibility of the Flynet solution. More...

These example scenarios are of course by no means exhaustive. They are hopefully enough to illustrate where Flynet Viewer could be used within your organisation.

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