You refer to a resource that starts with "/surfer/" and continues with the text identified in your TESECTION as the tranpath. I'll admit that it probably would have been simpler to just refer to template/section, but we did it this way, so that's the way to do it...I think that a 2 part name was a little limiting for some large applications?
Example--a TESECTION has the following definition:
WHEN TRANPATH_1 is "gold"
AND TRANPATH_2 is "mainmenu">
To use the above section as the source for a frame you would use:
<FRAME NAME="mainmenu"
If the above example is to be part of an active session, then you need to include the sessionkey (with ?sessionkey=<TEMACRO SESSIONKEY), and
in the <TESECTION you need to remember to use the <TEACTION GETSESSION> tag at the top of the section (to acquire the active session and all the variable states).