Ticket #811 ( Closed )

Short Description Stored Procedures
Entered By: RayWas When: 2001-06-19 14:47:28 Build: 2.0.10U
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: ODBC Support
I am trying to call a stored procedure.  I have found 
nothing in the docs explaining how to do it, but was able 
to get it working using DBSELECT, DBCOMMAND, etc.  My 
problem is that it only works with a hard-coded procedure 
call.  If I try to use the ? parameters, the code won't 
compile.  I am emailing the code and the HTML source of the 
compiler output.  Thanks.

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2001-06-19 14:52:01  New Status: Pending Customer
Please email to surfer@screensurfer.com as attachments--our 
primary (IE) domain exchange server is braindead this 
Append By: RayWas  When: 2001-06-19 15:19:15  New Status: Pending IE
It's on its way...