Ticket #807 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description New error message after installing fix:
Entered By: mmwebesa@totsol.net When: 2001-06-15 12:26:50 Build: 3.0.1H GA
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Not Categorized
Hello there:

Yesterday my manager, Denise Merritt put in a system 
support ticket for a problem we were having with the 
screensurfer service just shutting down by itself.  You 
emailed her the fix "T3_0_1H.zip" - an update to 
ielua.exe.  After we installed it in screensurfer/bin, 
doing it the way you suggested, we are now getting a 
strange error on our ".asp"(web) pages.
The error is as follows:

"Internal Execution error with SSurfer.AspRequest
Error Description:
Transaction being called: settlements 
Occurred while: Executing Screensurfer Request 
Trap Information Saved To: C:\PROGRA~1

When I go to the file C:\PROGRA~1
\AspSurfer\Logs\20010615122038.trap It reads the following:

"During: Executing Screensurfer Request
PoolAlloc=208896 RecvBuff=02e80058 RecvSize=208308 
contentLength=0 pchContents=02eb2e0c
cRecvBuff=HTTP/1.0 200 OK

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2001-06-15 12:50:20  New Status: Pending Customer
Sorry--this is a regression caused by some XML enhancements 
in this build--please back-out to prior release--we will 
get you a cleaned build momentarily.
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2001-06-15 13:09:36  New Status: Pending Customer
Martin, e-mailing to you right now...