Ticket #806 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description NT Scheduler
Entered By: gaucho When: 2001-06-14 19:53:55 Build: 2.0.6F
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Not Categorized
Hi Bill,
We would like to know how can we Stop and Re-
Start “LELUA.exe and Surfer.exe” through a command line on 
NT Scheduler? 
Guillermo Leon
Append By: "Hello....Newman"  When: 2001-06-15 07:28:06  New Status: Pending Customer

Open a command line and navigate to the bin directory under 
your hostserver directory.  Example, cd 

Once this has been completed type in the following

ielua -remove

Once removed, type the following

ielua -install

Remember to put a space after the ielua and the hyphen.

Thats it!:)

This will remove and reinstall the ielua
Append By: "Hello....Newman"  When: 2001-06-15 08:49:27  New Status: Pending Customer

The above information is incorrect as to how to "stop" 
and "start" the service from a command line.

Below is the correct information you are requesting.  

The command is: 

:\screensurfer\bin\surfer KICKME_PLEASE 

That will load the surfer service control executable which 
in this mode has no "wave" gui-- it then does a service 
stop on Screensurfer, then a service start, then goes 

Sorry for any inconvience.