Short Description
Screensurfer dies on server
When: 2001-06-14 09:53:35 Build: 3.0
Department: Product
Not Categorized
We are running Screensurfer on our production server and on
7 seperate occasions, it has terminated and gave the
following error on the ServerError Log:
"The Screensurfer service terminated unexpectedly. It has
done this 1 time(s). The following corrective action will
be taken in 0 milliseconds: No action."
Screensurfer is set to Automatically restart, but this is
not occurring. Any corrective measures would be
appreciated in resolving this issue. While testing our
application on the test server this did not occur. Now in
production, this is causing major problems for our
CallCenter's performance.
Thanks and I appreciate any assistance available.
By: WindSurfer When: 2001-06-14 11:04:22 New Status:
Pending Customer
First, do you have "Catch Program Exceptions" set ON in the
Admin Console? For production environments this should
always be ON to protect against script-based errors.
Second, is there a \winnt\drwtsn32.log file being generated
that you can send to, so we can analyse the
reason for the crash.
Third, we have identified a significant memory heap issue
with later builds of V2 and V3 that we have fixed--this
affects sessions that have been stopped/exited, then
restarted and when long text variables (>200 characters)
are defined in the system. The drwtsn32.log file would
help us identify if this is causing your instability.
By: WindSurfer When: 2001-06-14 12:03:43 New Status:
Pending Customer
Looking at the log, the last entry was for May 16 that was
a Screensurfer crash...but it did indicate heap corruption
that is indicative of this particular error. Can you
verify that the drwtsn32.log file is from the same machine--
also, if there may be an alternative trap recorder active
on that server which may be catching these traps and
recording it somewhere else.
Seems like perhaps drwtsn32 isn't the active "trapper"...
In any case, we can provide a build that includes a fix for
the heap corruption problem...
While we generally recommend the "latest/greatest" build,
to facilitate activation in your production environment, we
can patch a specific build--can you provide the specific
build that is executing on your production server?
By: When: 2001-06-14 15:26:51 New Status:
Pending IE
This is the only drwtsn32.log file found on the server that
Screensurfer is crashing on. I also did not locate any
other type of trapper. A build with the fix for the heap
corruption would be greatly appreciated. The latest build
on this server is Surf3_0I.exe
By: WindSurfer When: 2001-06-14 15:47:22 New Status:
Pending Customer
OK, we are e-mailing you a new build of V3--also, please
run the following command:
This should load the interactive DrWatson interface, which
would enable you to re-activate it, as it seems like
perhaps it is not active...
By: When: 2001-06-18 09:36:16 New Status:
Pending IE
Good Morning,
We are experiencing major problems with Screensurfer
terminating without a reason. One of my developers
submitted ticket #807 for a fix for the build you zipped to
me. With both of these builds in place, Screensurfer
continues to be unstable. IF you could please provide some
sort of assistance, it would definitely be appreciated.
Whether it be someone on site here to evaluate or you may
suggest something else. We really need to resolve this
issue. You can reach me at 706-649-4075.
Thanks for your time,
Software Development Manager
Denise Merritt