Ticket #803 ( Closed )

Short Description Console not accessible and/or screensurfer crashing
Entered By: jennifer.genzlinger@experian.com When: 2001-06-13 13:57:51 Build: 2.0.11I
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: Console Operations
We are running version 2.0.11I on Windows 2000 with SP1.  
We are having problems on our production server where 
either the service is crashes (in some cases), or where the 
Admin Console will returns page not found but we can use 
the application so in some sense screensurfer is still 
working.  I took the catch exceptions off of our production 
server and am sending the DrWatson log of the latest 
crash.  We don't have a whole lot of details of exactly 
what is causing it but hopefully from the DrWatson you can 
get some information.

Thanks, Mark
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2001-06-13 14:17:21  New Status: Pending Customer
This looks to be the same problem that was revealed in your 
compiler crashes, which makes sense since after the first 
use of a session with long text variables, subsequent uses 
can lead to problems--we will try to get you the new build 
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2001-06-13 15:53:48  New Status: Pending Customer
We have e-mailed you a new build 2.0.11j interim to it 
being available on the FTP site sometime tomorrow...
Append By: jennifer.genzlinger@experian.com  When: 2001-06-13 16:56:56  New Status: Closed
Thanks, I will install it and see how it goes.